Container Art Project is a 20ft Container delivering art work worldwide and cost-
free. So far we have managed to realize 4 projects. To Johannesburg SA, Art Basel Miami
USA, Nkwabeng in Ghana and now we are helping to establish an art school in Port au Prince on Hait in collaboration with artisan resistance from Port Au Prince

It all started in 2014, when HamburgHoch11 built a village of 11 20ft containers on a space offered by St Pauli football club to 11 artists to show their way of creativity. I took part in this exhibition, because for me the container is the product of desire. it is designed to transport wishes and if that is your wish, it will do so. So I wanted to show this quality, and I asked every visitor to show me an item that they carry every day and wich transports a wish for them. like the bracelet, containing a security code in case of an accident, or or a gift from the one they love to remind them of the beloved. I took a picture og those “containers“ an pinned them to the inner wall. By this showing. that a container transports immaterial aspects. And as the exhibition took on, the idea was developed, that we will send musical instruments to Jo`burg and that from now on, this container will be the ambassador of all containers in the world to show what they are made for. Made to transport wishes…

The special thing about the Container Art Project for me is that not only is it out of the question for me to make money with this art, but it is much more likely to ensure that it will cost me money. That alone is reason enough for me to take this art forward.